Home-made Kefir


Regular readers will know that I am a fan of fermented foods to promote a healthy gut. The probiotics from fermented foods such as natural yoghurt, kefir and fermented vegetables help to maintain the right proportion of friendly bacteria needed for optimal health. One study found that people who consume fermented foods have less social anxiety. Kefir, a live cultured milk drink made with diary or coconut milk, is a good probiotic source to add to the diet and here is a very easy way to make your own! To read more about how gut health may help fertility do read more about our Body Mind Gut plan here. 1. Buy this kefir kit… Kefir Kit Refill Sachets For Mad Millie Kefir Kit - Probiotics Alternative To Yoghurt (put the sachets in the freezer for longer life) 2. Buy Innocent coconut water (or any no-sugar added, no emulsifier coconut water) 3. Put sachet and coconut water into a 1 litre glass jar and stir. Cover with lid but DON’T screw on as it will explode! 4. Leave at room temp for 24 hours. (The coconut water will taste slightly sharp/very slightly fizzy when done) 5. Refrigerate 6. Drink a small glass every day 7. You can extend the culture (twice) by saving the last quarter litre and adding more coconut water and leaving at room temp again for 24hrs