

Butter is a good source of vitamin A, D and K, essential for absorption of calcium and phosphorus that we need for strong bones and teeth. Choose organic butter from grass-fed cows over butter f rom grain-fed cows as it provides more conjugated linoleic acid that has strong anti-inflammatory benefits and even protects against certain cancers. Preparing flavoured butters and freezing them in icecube trays is good way to add flavour and nourishment to dishes!



  • 100 g spinach

  • 1/2 tbsp black sesame seeds

  • 1 medium sirloin steak approx 150-170g

  • 2 eggs

  • 4 tbsp kimchi

  • 200 g cooked short grain rice (or replace with a grain of your choice)

  • a selection of cooked or raw seasonal vegetables e.g. radishes, cucumber, grated carrots or shiitake mushrooms


  • 2 cloves garlic (crushed)

  • 1/2 tbsp sesame oil

  • 1 tbsp organic tamari soy sauce

  • pinch of black pepper

  • 1 tsp grated ginger


  1. Heat a griddle pan and cook the steak for 2 minutes a side. Rest for 10 minutes and then add to the marinade ingredients. Set aside for 1-2 hours or longer in the fridge.

  2. Wilt the spinach in a frying pan with a sprinkle of water for 2 minutes. Rinse under cold water and squeeze out the water with your hands.

  3. Shred the spinach and then combine with the sesame oil and black sesame seeds. Set aside.

  4. Construct the bibimbap by putting the grain on the bottom of the serving bowl and then add the marinated spinach, the kimchi, the steak and your seasonal vegetables.

  5. Fry the eggs and serve on top.