Roast Hake with Wild Mushrooms and Spinach

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This is a delicious, easy and quick week night meal, and hake is a lovely alternative to cod.


Yields: 2 servings


  • 2 hake fillets or other thick white fish fillet

  • Handful of dried poricini mushrooms

  • 125g wild mushrooms or shitake mushrooms, thinly sliced

  • 115g fresh spinach

  • 30g butter

  • Garlic clove

  • Lemon

  • A few dill fronds


  1. Pre heat the oven to 220oC. In a bowl soak the dried mushrooms in just-boiled water for 20 minutes and then squeeze out the water. 

  2. Heat a little butter in a oven proof sautéed pan and add the fish to brown in the butter on each side (2-3 minutes). Transfer the pan to the oven and cook for 5-7 minutes.

  3. In a separate pan melt a generous slice of butter and add a crushed garlic clove and the sliced mushrooms. Cook on a high heat until the mushrooms have browned.

  4. Add the spinach until wilted. Generously squeeze over fresh lemon juice, the dill fronds and season well with a sea salt and black pepper.

  5. Remove the fish from the oven and serve immediately.