Nut Loaf with Pumpkin and Chestnut

Nut Loaf with Pumpkin and Chestnut

Supermarket versions of the nut roast are often highly processed and contain quorn and additives, which is far removed from what a whole food, plant based diet should bring. This is a delicious and nutrient filled vegetarian dish that is ideal for the festive period. You can make this dish vegan by replacing the eggs with 2 tbsp freshly ground chia seeds whisked together with 6 tbsp water and placed in the fridge for 15 minutes before adding to the recipe.

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Asparagus with butter 5 ways

Asparagus with butter 5 ways

Butter is a good source of vitamin A, D and K, essential for absorption of calcium and phosphorus that we need for strong bones and teeth. Choose organic butter from grass-fed cows over butter f rom grain-fed cows as it provides more conjugated linoleic acid that has strong anti-inflammatory benefits and even protects against certain cancers. Preparing flavoured butters and freezing them in icecube trays is good way to add flavour and nourishment to dishes!

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Aubergine, Tomato and Turmeric Curry

Aubergine, Tomato and Turmeric Curry

This is a deliciously nourishing and warming dish. In a recent study people consuming turmeric daily in food (rather taking a supplement) saw substantial beneficial changes in one gene associated with risks of depression and anxiety, asthma and eczema and cancer. Aubergines are known in Chinese Medicine for their impact on womb energy and are considered to be excellent bloody movers, making this the perfect dish for those wishing to focus on their fertility in the New Year.

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Black Sesame Congee

Black Sesame Congee

Congee is a rice porridge and there are many ways of preparing it depending on the type of rice grains used, the cooking method and preferred consistency. Congee can be prepared by grinding the rice for a thin consistency but I prefer a thicker consistency. The rice used here is organic jasmine rice but you can use any other white rice (bear in mind that the cooking time may change). The trick is to cook the congee for long enough that the rice breaks down to your preferred consistency.

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