
It is estimated that male fertility accounts for more than a third of infertility cases in couples and men often come to see us. Some may already have been diagnosed with a low sperm count, poor morphology (structure of the sperm), or low motility (movement of the sperm).

It is generally said that sperm takes 90 days to mature but is closer to 2½ months – sperm develop in the testicles for 50-60 days and are then excreted in the sperm-maturing tube, the epididymis, to complete their maturation for another 14 days.

Healthy habits, including diet and lifestyle should be encouraged to increase the chances of healthy conception but also for the development and future health of the baby.

Research shows that acupuncture treatment may improve both the health and quantity of the sperm. Diet, together with specific nutrients, and lifestyle have also been shown to play important roles in male health and fertility. The genetic material in sperm reflects exposure to stress, nutrient deficiencies and environmental toxins.

All these factors will be discussed at your consultation together with your partner’s fertility background, pregnancy and family history, age and general emotional well-being to give a holistic review before suggesting a path forward for you both. It may be that some testing or further investigations are necessary, and we work with a team of medical experts to make appropriate referrals where needed.

To talk about your specific Fertility concerns, Book an couples consultation with Emma or start today with our 4 Week Introductory Online Plans - FERTILE Woman and FERTILE Man


Wherever you are in your journey from fertility to family, a consultation here can help clarify the road ahead